Which Juice is Best for You?
Juicing vegetables provides nutrients that enable our body to function at its peak potential. It is recommended that adults consume between 7 to 10 servings of vegetables and fruits per day. This can be challenging and impractical for many individuals, even for those who consume vegetables with each meal. So, how can we overcome this challenge?
In order to access the plethora of nutrients that whole vegetables and fruits have to offer, we need to ensure that we have optimal digestion. This is achieved through proper chewing and by maintaining adequate digestive enzymes to break down the food particles so that we can unlock the vital nutrients that live inside these superfoods. Many individuals suffer with impaired digestion, which may be caused by an inflamed gastrointestinal tract. An inflamed gastrointestinal tract can result from chronic toxin exposure, stress, food sensitivities, unwanted bacteria or viruses or medication over-use.
Juicing to the rescue!
Juicing helps break down cells walls where nutrients live, making them easier for our body to access. However, juicing vegetables and fruits removes the fiber from them. So make sure that you receive enough fiber elsewhere in your diet.
TIP: Cold-Pressed Juice ensures that you are getting 100% vegetables and fruits in your juice, with no hidden ingredients!
When we juice our vegetables, we are able to consume high amounts of nutrients in an efficient way. Here is my list to help you choose which juice is best for you.
Click HERE to save this chart now!
My challenge to you; drink your vegetables! Try out one of Aspire Health’s favourite juice recipes.
Beetroot Energizer Juice
1 beet, chopped into quarters
1 granny smith apple, peeled and cored
3 carrots
1-tbsp size of fresh ginger root
Juice each vegetable and fruit thoroughly. Drink and enjoy!
The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice. If you are pregnant or have any health conditions, please seek advice prior to making any dietary or lifestyle changes. Consulting with an expert is always your best option to find out what you need.